Friday, August 20, 2010

free [legal] music

Yeah, it totally exists and I am all over it all the time. And I hope you aren't disappointed to hear that it's mostly indie-type music, made by bands who want to get their name out. And it definitely works. :)

Hit the fancy link below for a little list of places to download free, awesome music.

1) Kitsune Noir's Mixcasts and Mixtapes
So Kitsune Noir is a pretty neat blog that dabbles in just about everything art. The writer Bobby Solomon has a sense of what's going on in all sorts of pies (I can never get the hang of those little sayings). I find out about a lot of really interesting things from his blog and two things I really love are his mixcasts and mixtapes. He always has a nice balance between obscure and well-known and he has introduced me to some fantastic bands (Beirut and the Radio Dept, for example). And they're free to download. The mixcasts are shorter, more frequent collections of music with Bobby's commentary and the mixtapes are longer, more elaborate and less frequent collections.
2) Beat Connection
Beat Connection's album (oh, that one that's free to download from that link) is the perfect summer album. Very chill, very warm, very beach-y. I would definitely suggest clicking that link. 
3) lstn by Urban Outfitters
The LSTNs are mixes put together by Urban Outfitters that you can download directly from iTunes. I definitely recommend this because they always have a nice collection of some pretty obscure stuff and it's pretty fantastic quality.
4) Nylon + iTunes
So I do not have a link for this one, because they're only available for download for limited times. However, Nylon (the fashion magazine) has a small label going on and they partner with those under their labels and other bands to make a big collection of stuff once a year. If you happen to be around the blog when they've got the link up, it's generally peppy, energetic music.

I really don't have much more to say about the following other than.. hey look! free stuff! But it's all good music. Think of it as a really nice gift instead of you just taking the crackers cuz they're free.

5) The Superhumanoids
6) Sunol

If I find anything else, I'll save it and make another nice fat post about it. :)


Anonymous said...

Nice.. i fancy a nice fat post of free legal music!

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